I did however meet Jerimiah and Eden at the bar and lead concierge Megan provided direction on how Susan and I can get a "Groovy Corner" next time we are out.
Yeah, Zappa at the pig pen established some (and obliterated other) important pathways.
Busy, busy, busy. A cascade of little dramas, tension and release, that make up life’s rich pageant. One little drama has been ye olde Ski Nautique. Now ten years old with about 450 hours, a few weeks ago my watersking experienced “22 interuptus” as a worn impeller forced a ten day hiatus just as I begun hitting -22. A few years back I would be through -22 and onto -28 in June. This year it is July. So anyhow, the new impeller goes in, probably providing more water pressure and volume to the cooling system than in several years and guess what? The heater core springs a leak! The driver gets some 150 degree water on their leg when they throttle up. So the boat is, of course, drivable, but another thing to fix or have fixed. Anyone who skis in New England knows that having heat for the driver (come September) is a really good thing.
Another sign of summer is the concert and festival season. With Bonnaroo in the rear view mirror and Vibes ahead, what is one to do? Well Phil / GRAB at Tweezer Center will do. I’ve never been a huge Phil phan, but this one sure helped the cause. Both sets were great. Joan Osborne has really found her mark and brings so much to the show. And to hear Trey voice each and every note of “St. Stephen” with his own Trey-ness is so cool.
Lots of travel for work this July: Three west-coast jaunts in as many weeks. I’m outbound on the first as I write this. But now I’m back.
We had a terrific weekend up at Stinson Mountain Lake. No evidence, er photos, to speak of. And off I go back to the left coast again tomorrow. Plan to catch Umphrey’s tonight!