Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Ice Out on Lake Massabessic

Well not really, but it is imminent. And with ice out comes the thoughts of spring: Water skiing in stupidly cold water in a dry suit that makes you feel almost as much the dork you really are. Or something. Alexei was asking me today, "So how's the water skiing?" I would have had a witty answer except I was a little crispy from last night's OAR show at UNH. I met "Luke and Laura" which is right up there with "Shawn and Dawn" for couples I know that are convieniently forward error corrected for my lazy memory. The whole Bonnaroo thing will require Hunter Thompson / Chris Lawson like precision and planning. I'll have to find a way to be up for it. Susan painted the powerplant on the Merrimack at the Amoskeg bridge today. I dig the industrial vibe. Like art and technology man, cool!

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